Big Box Containers and the 2018 Wines2Whales

Big Box Containers and the 2018 Wines2Whales
October 26, 2018 Sunel

The 2018 FNB Wines2Whales is the tenth Wines2Whales event and – notwithstanding rain and even a fire approaching the race camp – one of the most spectacular so far. Two of the races have been completed and the third gets underway tomorrow. Good luck to those participating in the final race!

big box wines to whales

Image by Jetline Action Photo

Every year, Big Box Containers supports the Wines2Whales events and associated initiatives. We also enter teams in the events and our directors, who are mountain bike enthusiasts, take part.

“The FNB W2W MTB events are fantastic”, says director, Willie Ward. Commenting on last year’s race, he noted, “There are challenges, but also rewards. The experience leaves every rider fulfilled.”

2016 Wines2Whales

Big Box directors at the finish line in 2017. Image by Shantelle Visser Photography

About the 2018 Wines2Whales

Wines2Whales includes three separate but identical, staged mountain bike (MTB) races, each held over three days. Each race covers 60 to 80 kilometres per day, on trails that wind through and over some of the Western Cape’s most gorgeous and rugged scenery.

For 2018, the Wines2Whales races have been named after wines produced in the area – Chardonnay (26 – 28 October), Pinotage (29 – 31 October) and Shiraz (2 – 4 November). For the first time ever, teams can also choose the “Jeroboam” option, to compete in all three of the races.

This year’s Wines2Whales route begins in Somerset West. It crosses a total of six mountains; a number of nature reserves – including the beautiful Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve; 13 Cape wineries; and 26 private farms.

The race ends near Walker Bay, where record numbers of whale sightings are being recorded this year.

How Big Box Containers supports Wines2Whales

Office and storage space for the event

Big Box Containers provides the Wines2Whales event organisers with logistical support in the form of container office and storage space.

Along with container-based administrative facilities, we provide a refrigerated water box, designed to provide everyone in the race village with refreshing, ice-cold water during the events.

big box water

In partnership with Rialto, we also provide a popular coffee bar container.

coffee bar

Wine2Whales Crèche Educational Initiative

The FNB Wines2Whales crèche initiative aims to enhance the early learning experiences of children at a number of crèches in communities along the Wine2Whales route and beyond. Currently, the initiative supports five crèches in Botrivier – the Khulani Daycare Centre, Lucky Point Crèche, Angels United Crèche, ABC/123 Crèche, Kammaland Crèche and Thandi Community Crèche.

Big Box Containers is proud to have supplied a converted container to house an educational library for use by the crèches, and continues to support this initiative.

If you’d like to get involved in supporting this project, e-mail the race office at or find out more by visiting the initiative’s Facebook page.

Workshop for the Wines2Whale trail builders

The Cape Trails Youth Development Initiative aims to provide youth employment and development by training previously unemployed young people to build MTB trails.

As part of this initiative, the FNB Wines2Whales runs a bike mechanic training workshop. Big Box Containers supports the project by providing a converted, 12-metre container for use as a spaza shop during the workshop. It’s designed to provide a mobile, comfortable and convenient space for people to work in.

For more information about the 2018 Wines2Whales events, see the official Wines2Whales site. Good luck to everyone who’ll be participating in this year’s races – we’ll see you there!

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