What are the dimensions of the shipping containers that Big Box supplies?

What are the dimensions of the shipping containers that Big Box supplies?
June 13, 2016 Sunel

We provide steel dry cargo and aluminium containers in two lengths – roughly, either 6 or 12 metres. We also supply cube containers, which are higher than the standard containers.

These are the exact exterior dimensions of our containers:


6 m steel dry cargo containers 6.058 m x 2.438 m x 2.591 m (imperial: 20′ x 8′ x 8’6″)
12 m steel dry cargo containers 12.192 m x 2.438 m x 2.591 m (imperial: 40′ x 8′ x 8’6″)
12 m Hi-Cube steel dry cargo containers 12.192 m x 2.438 m x 2.896 m (imperial: 40′ x 8′ x 9’6″)
6 m aluminium refrigerated container 6.058 m x 2.438 m x 2.591 m (imperial: 20′ x 8′ x 8’6″) Nominal cubic capacity: 28 m3
12 m Hi-Cube aluminium refrigerated container 12.192 m x 2.438 m x 2.896 m (imperial: 40′ x 8′ x 9’6″) Nominal cubic capacity: 66.27 m3


Our Gauteng branches also offer smaller, 3-metre containers and rental of construction sheds.